Bernelle Verster, indiebio, is trained as a bioprocess engineer, and recently changed gear to explore 3D geospatial, urban resource management and data visualisation. Bernelle is passionate about open source, and volunteering, because this is the foundation for a strong civil society, and maintaining a healthy democracy. It is also fun because with enough effort you can do anything you want.
Accepted Talks:
How to become a DD, and why - collaborative discussion
This is a talk aimed at absolute beginners who want to become more involved in Debian, as well as exploring why people may want to do this. The talk focuses on uploading and non-uploading Debian Maintainers and Debian Developers, and outlines specific steps to take, as well as what to consider at each step. Some resources:
#ThisIsFLOSS - collaborative discussion
This workshop explores how to build a brand that is welcome to all flavours of FOSS, as well as the more cultural and overarching aspects, for example there are a lot of musicians among us. What would it take to be the “TEDx” of FOSS? Is that even a good idea?
Pevious: This talk explores what free and open source software is, what the FOSS ecosystem looks like, how does Debian and Linux and Ubuntu etc fit together? Some less technical questions are explored, like, how does FOSS play with proprietary systems and companies, for example Microsoft and Apple? And some more technical questions, like, (Why) is it best to upload packages directly into Debian first?
This is a more pragmatic approach, to quote Sandro Santilli, 2022 (FOSS4G) Sol Katz award winner: “I don’t care what you use - FOSS or proprietary. I care that you contribute to FOSS”.
This talk is a work in progress aimed at creating a new member procedure:
Welcome to miniDebConf Lisbon 2023
Why are we doing this, what is special about IST, what to expect from this event, and whatever other admin we need to tell you and answer questions you may have. The welcome talk, as well as the entire event, will be in Portuguese and English.